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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Small Stakes Poker

Small Stakes Poker is where most players start out, playing for both leisure and some profit on the smaller buy-in poker tables. This article will look at both the advantages and the disadvantages of remaining at the small stakes poker tables once you have already built up a little poker experience – when compared to the challenges of moving to the middle or higher stakes games.

We divide the advantages and disadvantages into several categories – comparing the small stakes tables with the higher buy-in games for each. We begin with a look at the opponents you will face at the small stakes poker tables. Next the profitability and bankroll management aspects are covered. Finally the balance between relaxation and taking on a challenge is discussed.

Low Skilled Players

The biggest single advantage of small stakes poker is the large number of fish! Since this is where players begin their online poker playing there will be many inexperienced opponents who are making plenty of mistakes at the tables. While this can certainly be considered an advantage in terms of your potential profits – it also has a downside. While opponents are making horrible plays your actual poker skills are not necessarily improving. To win all you need to do is make fewer mistakes than your opponents.

Common Mistakes in Small Stakes

Some examples of these errors include playing medium-strength hands out of position. Calling bets with easily dominated hands (for example ace-rag) and betting inappropriate amounts – both too large and too small. Sure, solid ‘ABC’ poker adjusting to individual opponents will show a profit, but at the expense of really having to think about – and so learn – the poker strategy that will enable you to move away from these stakes.
A second advantage of small stakes poker comes in terms of having only a small risk to your bankroll. Even an unfortunate bad-beat will only take a small amount of money in the worst case scenario – while a similar situation at a high stakes table could be very expensive indeed. Of course, the reverse is also true – the potential for big profits are limited in small stakes poker when compared to the higher limits. The choice here really comes down to your personal objective with the game. Someone who plays for recreation and profits may be less inclined to move to the higher stakes tables than an online professional.


A final advantage of small stakes poker really depends on your personal perspective. Those who enjoy poker for recreation will be able to relax while playing small stakes, the game play required does not necessarily require serious thought or concentration in order to win. Compare this with the higher stakes where you must think about every move you make, decide on the meaning of each bet your opponents make and so on. This type of game requires concentration and focus that is not necessary at the small stakes tables. If your objective in poker is to give yourself a challenge then the above advantages and disadvantages may actually be reversed!
To summarize, small stakes poker is a great place to find weak opponents for both fun and profitable poker games. There are many advantages to playing these games including the profits and ability to relax while at the tables without risking too much money. The disadvantages include not really developing as a poker player and missing out on mental challenge and bigger profits available in the high-stakes games.